Do you know Muhammad Ali? This is his story


    Muhammad Ali

    We all know the legend under the name Muhammad Ali, but his real name is Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky on January 17, 1942. His father, Cassius Clay Sr., worked as a painter and his mother, Odessa , she was a maid. They were not a wealthy family, but they were not completely poor either. By this time, southern states like Kentucky had divisions marked by racism, meaning that there were schools, restaurants, bathrooms and other public facilities for black people and white people respectively. Everything was supported by Jim Crow Laws and made life very difficult for African Americans like Cassius.

    Becoming a boxer

    When he turned 12, someone stole his bicycle. He was too upset, so he told a cop that he planned to beat up the person who stole it, and it just so happens that this officer named Joe Martin was also a boxing trainer. Joe told him that he should learn to fight before he wanted to hit someone, so he offered him a boxing class.

    Cassius discovered that he had great talent for this sport, because he was much faster than other fighters his size. He could throw quick punches and move away from the area before his opponent could react. He was in 105 fights as an amateur fighter, winning 100 and losing 5. He also won several Gold Glove championships and was considered one of the best in the light heavyweight category in the world.


    In 1960, Cassius traveled to Rome, Italy to participate in the Olympic Games. He beat all his opponents and won a gold medal. When he returned to the United States, he was a hero. That maximized his desire to continue in professional boxing .

    What was your style?

    Like few light heavyweight boxers, Ali's style was based on speed and agile movements rather than strength. He sought to evade any blow instead of absorbing it. The posture he maintained was the common one, but sometimes he kept both hands down tempting the opponent to hit him directly, depending on where the impact was, Ali had a counterattack prepared.

    He would also throw quick punches and dance away from his opponent before they could attack him. He was an impressive athlete and his superior speed allowed him to demonstrate these incredible skills throughout the 15 rounds.

    Becoming a champion

    He had great success in professional boxing, with long streaks of knockout victories. In 1964 he fought for the title and knocked out Sonny Liston, who threw in the towel in the seventh round. Cassius Clay became the world champion. After this, he decided to convert to Islam, which is how he changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

    His death

    A few years ago (2016) this legend stopped being among us. Muhammad Ali was fighting Parkinson's Disease for many years, until on June 3 at a medical center in Scottsdale, Arizona, he showed respiratory failure that ended the life of this athlete who has left a mark that will remain for generations.